Serve On The Minnesota Outdoor Recreation Advisory Council

On December 12, 2019, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and Explore Minnesota announced their partnership to launch a new Outdoor Recreation Task Force. The task force will make recommendations on how Minnesota can connect more people to the health and wellness benefits of outdoor recreation, improve equitable access to outdoor recreation and better support the state’s thriving outdoor recreation economy. This initiative is part of the RV industry’s efforts to establish Offices of Outdoor Recreation (OREC) in states across the country.
The DNR and Explore Minnesota leadership will select 20 task force members to represent a diverse and balanced mix of outdoor interests, expertise and values. This represents a great opportunity for RV companies in Minnesota to influence the direction of the new OREC task force and promote opportunities for RV companies in the state.
Interested individuals can learn more about applicant eligibility and complete the application form on the DNR’s website. Applications will be accepted until Friday, January 10, 2020.
For questions on these efforts or help submitting an application to serve on Minnesota’s task force can contact RV Industry Association Legislative Analyst Ashley Brinkman at
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