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RV Shipments in August 2024


Total Shipments in 2024

Go RVing RV Owner Demographic Profile

The Go RVing RV Owner Demographic Profile is the most comprehensive study of RV ownership ever conducted, providing deep insights and perspectives on the demographics and ownership habits of RV Owners, Former RV Owners, and RV Intenders. It includes purchase motivations, travel and usage trends, and importance of specific features and accessories across meaningful demographic and generational breakouts. The report also features an RV Owner Segmentation report that identifies seven distinct clusters of RV ownership based on psychographics, hobbies, interests, and usage.

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RVs Move America Economic Impact Study

The RV Industry Association's latest economic impact study in 2022 measured the impact the RV economy has on jobs, wages, taxes and spending. The study revealed that the RV industry had an overall economic impact to the US economy of $140 billion, supporting nearly 680,000 jobs, contributing more than $48 billion in wages and paying over $13.6 billion in federal, state, and local taxes. Use the interactive economic contributions map to view the economic impact the RV industry has in your state or congressional district.

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RV RoadSigns Quarterly Forecast

Check out the latest RV RoadSigns quarterly report and forecast. Research is generated on behalf of the RV Industry Association by ITR Economics, the oldest privately held, continuously operating economic research and consulting firm in the United States, providing businesses with forecasting, economic information, insight, analysis, and strategy. Since 1985, their overall forecast accuracy is 94.7 percent at one year out.

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Family Vacation Cost Comparison

A 2018 study conducted by CBRE Hotels Advisory Group that compares the cost of eight of the most popular vacation types using a hypothetical family of four, consisting of two adults and two children. The study determined that RV vacations are by far the most economical – on average 27% to 62% less expensive on a per day basis compared to other vacation options analyzed. 

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2023 RV Aftermarket Parts and Accessories Survey

The 2023 Aftermarket Parts and Accessories Customer Survey provides a deep analysis of the aftermarket buying process with a look at how aftermarket products contribute to the overall RVing experience. The results are based on 900 surveys completed among RV owners and 308 new, first-time owners surrounding their experiences with purchasing aftermarket parts and accessories.

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2022 Survey of Lenders' Experiences

The Survey of Lenders' Experiences details results of an RV Industry Association nationwide survey of major financial institutions concerning their RV lending portfolios. The report provides an in-depth look at key data from both the wholesale and retail indirect RV lending markets and illustrates why RV loans continue to be an attractive product for financial institutions to include in their portfolios.

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