Partnering With RVTI To Certify Skilled RV Technicians

Jul 22, 2021

While the recreational vehicle (RV) industry has grown steadily over the last ten years, the number of well-trained RV technicians is declining. RV technicians must possess a diverse skill set—from plumbing and electrical to hydraulics and appliance repair.

Since 1996, Nocti Business Solutions (NBS) has worked with RV industry experts to create and maintain a certification for RV technicians. Over the years, we have modified and updated the original certification to align with evolving industry standards and have helped develop additional training materials.

Demand for RV Technicians

Like many other skilled trades, RV manufacturers, suppliers, and dealers are facing a shortage of qualified technicians. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports there are 15,150 RV technicians currently employed in the U.S. While certification is not currently an industry requirement, fewer than 4,000 technicians hold a certification. And with many current technicians approaching retirement, the industry will continue to see a shortage of qualified workers.

In 2018, the RV Industry Association (RVIA) Board of Directors approved the foundation of the RV Technical Institute (RVTI). The institute was formed to provide world-class training for RV maintenance and repair that will reduce the RV industry’s shortfall of trained RV technicians.

RVTI set out to expand its training efforts. Together, NBS and RVTI developed a comprehensive training program aimed at making the certification process simpler for current technicians and encouraging new skilled workers to enter the industry.

Developing a Curriculum

Using NBS’s original job and task analysis as a foundation, NBS and RVTI began building a robust curriculum. We developed presentations, revised textbooks, and created resources for instructors to use across multiple training environments.

With NBS facilitating the development of the material, RVTI was able to develop a fully-fledged curriculum in just a year and a half.

The curriculum is now used in RVTI’s dedicated training facility in Elkhart, Indiana and by 26 designated learning partners throughout the U.S. The new course is a hands-on, competency-based program designed with input from subject matter experts from RV suppliers, manufacturers, dealers, and independent technicians. The program guides learners through the key areas of required knowledge and expertise needed by skilled RV technicians.

Multiple Certification Levels

The curriculum is divided into four levels of proficiency covering theory, application, specialties training, and troubleshooting. The program is designed to mirror a real-world workplace and shop environment.

Each level builds on the foundation of the previous one, teaching learners how to diagnose, maintain, and repair RV systems and components. From here, technicians can increase proficiency through specialized training courses.

Level One teaches the foundations of RV maintenance and repair. Certified Level 1 technicians may work as a pre-delivery inspector (PDI) to prepare an RV for customer delivery by verifying the operation of all components.

Level Two technicians have theoretical knowledge of all the systems and components within an RV and are able to perform basic diagnostics, troubleshooting, and repairs on those systems and components.

Level Three technicians must complete specialized training through vendors on specific types of components and perform advanced diagnostics, troubleshooting, and repairs on those systems and components.

Level Four Master Technicians have completed all five designated specialties through vendor training and are proficient in troubleshooting and repair of all the major systems and components within an RV.

Read the full article from Nocti Business Solutions here.