Travel Awaits: RV Boondocking- Why We Love It And What You Need To Know

Jul 20, 2020

So you’d like to do a spot of boondocking, but you’re not totally convinced that it’s for you? After 30 months of boondocking at 438 different spots in 30 countries around Europe, Travel Awaits reckon they know exactly why you will love it, wherever you’re RVing.

In Europe, they call boondocking wild camping. Not because we throw wild parties every night, or because we are surrounded by wild animals. Far from it, in fact. In New Zealand, it’s called freedom camping, and I’ve also heard the terms free campingboondock camping, and dry camping. Whatever you call it, boondocking can add another dimension of experiences to your RV trip.

Boondocking is not necessarily about being out in the bush surrounded by bears and moose -- it is about finding a place to stay for the night, away from the usual options of campervan parking or traditional campgrounds. We have slept at all sorts of places: car parks, laybys, unused “wasteland,” picnic spots, and many other areas of open, preferably flat ground along our intended routes. You can wind up near the beach, in the mountains, overlooking a lake, beside a motorway, at a marina, and down country roads. There are so many great opportunities to stay the night for free. Onceyou find a safe spot, settle in, and close up the blinds.

For tips and reflections on why boondocking is so wonderful check out the full article from Travel Awaits here.