The RV Industry Association Supports The National Park Service’s ‘Visitor Experience Improvement Authority’

In response to the National Park Service’s request for comments, the RV Industry Association has recently expressed its support for the NPS’s proposed rule that would govern the issuance of certain hospitality service contacts. The proposed rules would go into effect under the new Visitor Experience Improvement Authority (VEIA), a new program given to the National Park Service by Congress through the National Park Service Centennial Act. The VEIA allows the NPS to award and administer commercial services contracts and related professional services contracts for the operation and expansion of commercial visitor facilities, including campgrounds, and visitor services programs within the National Park System.
The National Park Service is requesting comments on its proposal that the NPS would only issue a commercial services contract under the VEIA if the Secretary of the Interior determines the contract would expand, modernize, and improve the condition of commercial visitor facilities and the services provided to visitors.
The RV Industry Association has responded in favor of the proposal, expressing its strong support of increased investment in campgrounds on public lands as well as the utilization of partnerships, where appropriate, between experienced campground operators and the federal government as a way of encouraging sustainable campground modernization, expansion, and operations. The Association also noted its support of public-private partnerships as a way of conserving public lands and improving the camping experience for visitors, many of whom are representing the shifting demographic towards younger more diverse campers.
As part of its response, the RV Industry Association offered some suggestions on how federal campgrounds should be improved for visitors. These include, among others, providing access to Wi-Fi throughout the front country campsites; increasing the number of site hookups, including those specific to EVs; developing more campgrounds and RV-accessible campsites to accommodate the growing demand for RV camping; and addressing the nearly $20 billion deferred maintenance across federal lands and waterways.
The RV Industry Association and its federal government affairs team look forward to continued dialogue with the National Park Service as the NPS advances its efforts to modernize and expand campgrounds.
For questions, contact the RV Industry Association’s Director of Federal Affairs, Chris Bornemann, at
View the RV Industry Association’s full comments here.
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